Walking Publics/Walking Arts: walking, wellbeing and community during COVID-19 is exploring the potential of the arts to sustain, encourage and more equitably support walking during and recovering from a pandemic. The Artists' Survey is for artists from all disciplines, who are based in the UK and who have used walking - whether as concept, material, resource, our output - in their practice during COVID-19.
We are keen to find out how people have experienced walking during COVID-19 and how artists have used walking in their creative practice.
The survey can be found on our website www.walkcreate.org or here https://forms.office.com/r/8hcPn61C1s and is open until 21 May. (There's a parallel Public Survey, accessible at website, which is for anyone to complete.) The project is funded by AHRC. More information can be found at www.walkcreate.org
Professor Deirdre Heddon James Arnott Chair in Drama School of Culture & Creative Arts University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ www.gla.ac.uk/schools/cca/staff/deirdreheddon/